country Marco Antonio Pineda Gómez


Mango Mania

A heritage recognised

A distant descendant of mangoes imported to Mexico by the Spanish Manila Galleons that plied the Acapulco-Manila trade route from 1565 to 1815, the Ataulfo mango is one of the 18 Mexican Designations of Origin. This legal recognition of a product’s popularity among the general population, stands Ataulfo mangoes alongside quintessential Mexican foodstuffs like habanero chilis, Morelos rice, and Tequila. Their domestic Mexican popularity is also now reflected in Ataulfo mangoes’ international consumption – it is the second most popular mango in the United States and has also become popular in Europe.

One farmer capitalising on this popularity is Marco Antonio Pineda Gómez of Jovero farms in the Costa Grande region of the Mexican state of Guerrero, itself home to Acapulco city where mangoes first arrived in Mexico.

Optimal land, optimal planting
Founded over 30 years ago, Marco’s orchards are planted with 13 meters between plants to allow optimal growth and cultivation. Mango farms in this region are well supported by climactic and soil conditions ideal for mango cultivation – warm and moist with summer rains. However, they still face pests such as fruit flies and mango seed weevils, alongside the demand for strong growth cultivation puts on crops.

To this end, Marco is using a ProNutiva blend of UPL products while also drawing on the assistance UPL provides. As he notes, “knowing that we have specialized support is very important for us as producers and marketers.”

Shared commitments to the environment
Alongside a variety of UPL inputs, Marco also uses Tarang, a herbicide effective against a variety of weeds without harming the wider environment, and UPL’s unique Biozyme TF. This increases leaf area, the number and vigour of flowers, the number of fruits per plant, fruit size, and fruit uniformity. Critically, it is also completely safe for humans, animals and other plants.

These environmental considerations are vital to Marco: He is committed to using environmentally friendly products while also meeting the high demands and standards of the consumers – domestic and international – that love his country’s signature mangoes.

A safe pair of hands
With Marco and other growers that share this commitment, it’s clear that this element of Mexico’s culinary heritage is in safe hands – as is the environment. And whether consumers enjoy their mangoes alone or as part of a salsa, salad, or smoothie, they can rest assured that this tasty fruit is being grown sustainably.