country Matt Miles


Growing a Dream

We’re going to Graceland . . .

The Mississippi Delta region of Arkansas is home to some of America’s most fertile farmland. Blessed with an abundance of warm weather, sunshine, and rainfall, it’s responsible for the majority of rice and cotton produced in the country. Together with his son, wife, and daughter-in-law, Matt Miles is a fourthgeneration grower who has embraced the trifecta of perfect growing conditions to farm over 11,000 acres of cotton, corn, soybeans, rice, and wheat.

A family philosophy
Matt’s father started farming with nothing but a dream. He began by managing an 800-pound cotton farm, which, in just two years, grew to exceed 1,300 pounds. By 1985, he was farming his own acreage, but his trials forged in him a lifelong farming philosophy which recognises the elements of long-term stewardship – a philosophy he passed on to a young Matt with determination to write another chapter in the Miles farming story.

A natural colleague
Matt reveres the wisdom gleaned from his father and feels a responsibility to bequeath to future generations land that is fertile, productive and rich. But he’s well aware that nature is ever-changing, so in order to maintain success on the farm in a sustainable way he’s nurturing the natural ecosystem around it. Treating nature as his colleague, he’s adopted multiple practices that help to protect the soil and provide increased returns and new sources of income such as no-till, cover crops, and carbon capture. As a result, the fertile soil on his land does what fertile soils do naturally—grow exceptional crops, including rare five-bean soy pods!

He’s also been using UPL’s inputs for ten years including Moccasin and Ultra Blazer herbicides on his soybeans, along with LamdaCy insecticide on most of his crops. Matt tells us he values their “high levels of quality and efficacy, in addition to his local sales agronomist’s ‘knowledge and honesty.”

Hard work rewarded
Matt’s work has been widely recognised, something he says drives his ‘out-of-the-box thinking’ in his pursuit of “his ultimate goal of producing maximum yields.” He became one of the first Arkansas farmers to hit 100 Bu/A, setting the state record multiple times and remains the soybean yield record holder in the Ag PhD Day “First Steps” plots.

We’re proud to work alongside the Miles’ farm. Their land is proof that with the best inputs and techniques, farms can deliver long-term, sustainable and award-winning results.